Oct 20, 2010

Cinema Paradiso

Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giorno 
If you were in my eyes for one day
Vedresti la bellezza che piena d'allegria 

You could see the full beauty of the joy
Io trovo dentro gli occhi tuoi 

I find in your eyes
E nearo se magia o lealta
And it isn’t magic or loyalty

Se tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giorno 

If you were in my heart for a day
Potreste avere un'idea 

You would have an idea
Di cio che sento io 

Of what I feel
Quando m'abbracci forte a te 

When you hold me strongly to you
E petto a petto, noi 

Heart to heart,
Respiriamo insieme 

Breathing together

Protagonista del tuo amor 

Protagonist of your love
Non so se sia magia o lealta 

I don’t know if it’s magic or loyalty

Se tu fossi nella mia anima un giorno 

If you were in my soul for a day
Sapresti cosa sono in me 

You would know what is inside me
Che m'innamorai 

That I fell in love
Da quell'istante insieme a te 

At that instant, together with you
E cio che provo e 

And what I sense
Solamente amore

It’s only love

Sep 17, 2010


I pretend i am happy or at least, "cool about stuff" on so many numerous occasions that once in a while I forget that I really deserve to be in a rotten mood once in a while. Like just now, the cramped buses, the sleepiness arising from days of lack of sleep, they add up to the fact that I very almost snapped at a middle aged lady (who turned out to be a neighbour) who very inconsiderately decided it was more important for her to make sure she can get off the bus than for my holding on to a handrail while the bus was braking to a halt. Even when it was obvious I am getting off at the same stop.


Feel totally unhappening because my life just doesn't seem to be going anywhere decent at the moment.

Sep 12, 2010

I should take up a religion

I realized I'm relatively godless, so to speak. Not that I don't believe in the existence of god, it's just I believe there is more than one god. It's one of those things we'll never find out unless the gods wills it for us to find out? Being a freethinker has with it its benefits, very often I can remain passive when I am sandwiched between two people arguing about religion. Of course I am by no means atheist. Why am I saying this stuff? Apparently now in NTU you need to 'register your blog' to write about religion. Well, up yours, NTU. I have said and always will repeat that when I graduate, I will not give. Certainly not to the Nanyang Technological University, who have seen it fit to inconvenience students at every turn, applying policies which are contrary to the undergraduates' welfare, and after ten years of operation STILL have not been able to cough up a halfway decent internal shuttle bus system. So no, I will not give.

Giving to WKWSCI however, that's another matter. This here is a school that, despite my run-ins with one too many rogue and unqualified tutors and instructors, will still lie deep in my heart. For every CYAW there is a very friendly and helpful Campbell, for every FALZON there's a passionate and knowledeable Dr D. For every unfriendly Lv3 tech there is Uncle Tan, Yew Li Jie, and Kelvin. So if it comes to the time I am able I will help WKWSCI in any way I can. But no, not NTU. Fuck, not NTU.


Here's a thought - it's not as though I'm NOT going to be having a lot of things to do, so it hardly is the best time to resume making little posts here and there on this little place. Who's going to still be here to notice? That's really the question ain't it?

So many years later, I've physically grown older but I still feel as lost, in the same place as I was 4 years ago - as a person I guess I'm pretty much still emotionally retarded in that sense.

Anyhow, I seem to have my heart set on the iPhone 4 but using the $56 plan, which would be about double my current plan but would be able to bring the cost of the phone itself way down. The only difference would be I have 100 extra minutes of outgoing calls, but I've never been one to call people anyway. Herein lies the slight dilemma.

Aug 6, 2009

The Shameless What I Want For My Birthday Post

To answer those who've been asking what present I want for my 21st, let's make things easier for you by posting this shameless thread. For someone who's not a sucker for things he doesnt need, here are some of the things I actually might (or might not) need:

1) Multiple guitar rack - due to the high number of instruments I have and the limited space I have in my tiny room, I'm in a situation where well... there are 6 stringed instruments in my room in total so I need a place to put them nicely, at the same time being conveniently located and all...

2) Zoom 9.2tt - OK I seriously don't expect anyone to get me this but I'll just shamelessly put it up. Unless you want to... it's just $500! Hehehehe.

3) Arsenal away jersey - well, it's not a 'need' but... And FYI please don't put them with names at the back!

4) Laptop bagpack - yeah... must be able to fit a 15.4" laptop! hehehe. No weird colors please! Preferably black or red!

Aug 5, 2009

new toys

After like 10 working days of waiting (that means 3 weeks) finally all my toys are here! :D:D gonna experiment with them later..

Behringer MS16 monitor speakers (these were bought in SG) - pretty decent and does its job! Has already paid for itself by being present since the UOC video post production

Little oversized box for the USB recording studio

Lexicon Lambda USB recording studio

MXL990 condenser microphone!

3 generic Nady SP5 microphones! They were damn cheap at 30 usd for 3, plus shipping works out to about $20 a mic? o shit ok not that cheap. But apparently pretty decent

Jul 18, 2009

make my memories

I haven't updated again for damn long. Well basically let this be a record of the one month or so that I'd rather forget.

In retrospect it's really kind of going to be one of those unforgettable experiences, working for a shady production company is really an eye-opener, working with people who are intelligent in their own way without actually having a halfway decent education (no I'm not being sarcastic), working with talented people, experience people who have given me a real eye education for the finer details of production work.

What I really want to forget (but what that would really taint my memories forever) is the fact that on my VERY LAST DAY OF WORK a sponsored laptop went missing and fingers started pointing everywhere. Being one of the last trustworthy people on the planet apparently meant that I was entrusted to go to location (a rented condo) alone to settle a lot of stuff. And that apparently made me one of the 'PRIME' suspects. Add that to the fact that one of the days I insisted on going home to eat when wrap time was early, accusations flew that really spoilt my entire mood. And till now, after sessions of 'clarifying' where I was and what I was carrying, apparently they are still not too satisfied. So fine, call the cops, I'll talk to them - not even an issue.

Apart from that, it's been fun being a super senior for FOC, and truth to be told I guess our batch has been put to shame by our own freshies. Yup, here's some videos for you to enjoy if you are loser-ish enough not to have gone for the CS camp! :D

Jun 29, 2009

I last posted on the 3rd of June - and it's been almost a month.

Well, I've been off to work for a production house - a holiday job which, at first, I was happy to take up because it was somehow relevant.

Of course, at the end of everything I will look back and tell myself, oh what a priceless experience it is, to be given the responsibilities despite being only a second going on third year student in WKWSCI. I'll tell myself, at least now I know what to look out for, what to anticipate, what to blacklist in the future.

But that's for looking back at the past. There's no time like the present, finally a little breathing space and we've all seen, or heard, about the true colors of many people. I originally had a rather decent impression of the bosses but following what I saw, what I heard, and what I have gone through personally... I'm sorry I guess I can console myself I'm out of a job in 7 days.

It's been kind of fun being involved with the production, talking to the little kids and complaining about things together with people - been fun doing what I do best. Has not been fun being dragged into wardrobe and getting blamed for not knowing things - I mean, c'mon I'm a clothes idiot and you ask me to do wardrobe... of course you're asking for it right? But that's beside the point.

Name me your worst working experience, be it army or what not, can you beat a job where there is already a fixed monthly salary, you have to find your own way into the deepest reaches of Katong, wake up at 6 just to travel to the East and work a 14-16 hour day, and repeat the same thing for 10 days straight before a breather day. Can you imagine what it's like, knowing that you WILL earn more money even if you work as a toilet cleaner?

It's ok, I tell myself, the experience is priceless. Of course I didn't count on the experience being quite so bitter especially with the bosses...

Now I just want to sleep and do my own stuff while I still can.

Thankfully the kids have to go back to school and so there's no way to shoot. If not those bloodsuckers would definitely find more reasons for us to work even more.

Jun 3, 2009

little boxes on the hillside, little boxes!

Malvina Reynolds - Little Boxes (theme song of Weeds) 

Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky tacky 
Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes all the same 
There's a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one 
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same. 

And the people in the houses all went to the university 
Where they were put in boxes and they came out all the same, 
And there's doctors and there's lawyers, and business executives 
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same. 

And they all play on the golf course and drink their martinis dry, 
And they all have pretty children and the children go to school 
And the children go to summer camp and then to the university 
Where they are put in boxes and they come out all the same. 

And the boys go into business and marry and raise a family 
In boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.

This is a really really awesome song of a really really awesome CABLE TV series WEEDS which, like DEXTER, will never clear Singapore Censorship Board. Essentially it's a show that revolves around a female drug dealer who just wants to provide for her family, set in suburban America and is basically, an awesomely messed-up show.

After watching many many episodes of the show the theme song grows on you, and I really must share. 

The Original version

Elvis Costello's version

Death Cab for Cutie version

Country version by Billy Bob Thornton

A WTF version by Linkin Park

Floaty version by the Submarines

An awesome version by Englebert Humperdinck

What i think is a ghastly (though most original) RAP version by the INDIVIDUALS:

This is my runaway favourite version given the theme of the song :D:D:D
Which sadly refuses to be embedded so go here to watch it...

I swear, it's a damn addictive song!

May 22, 2009


fuck you, 

woman from the stupid SBS faculty who made it her semester-long goal to torture students without biology knowledge with near-impossible MCQ examination questions.


Thanks to you my gpa is now one more step to being VERY fucked up. And it's hardly fair seeing how your fucked up tinkering with the exam format seemed to make it NOT EVEN POSSIBLE for us to get a decent grade

may you burn in hell/have a minor lab accident (minor only, im not that evil)

ok im just venting. I need a target and she's the most convenient bitch around