Mar 24, 2009
big changes
Mar 19, 2009
hi all
Hi all, this is what I want for my 21st birthday (i'm not really going to celebrate it but i would still accept presents :D)
Mar 16, 2009
Mar 12, 2009
Strangely enough, I didn't really do anything much this week... but the fatigue seems to be already hitting in, despite the fact that THIS IS BY FAR MY SLACKEST semester ever.
Mar 4, 2009
Watching this kid play makes me at peace and stuff.
One of my biggest regrets is not picking up the guitar much earlier at say, 8 years old rather than, say... 18.
Apparently you can learn much quicker when you are younger like 10 or 12. So why the hell do MOE make us learn the recorder when it's such a retarded instrument.
Mar 3, 2009
what a waste of life...
I'm sure by now you've heard of the poor dude who stabbed a professor in the back and then jumped off the building. In case you live in a cave but happen to have the internet connection to see this blog, the news is here.
Funny how posters come to conclusion is the professor who Intimidate the student first. What a coward way to commit sucide after an attempt to murder his teacher. Either way, he will be charged with a death sentence if the professor was killed. There is no escape for him for his hedinous crime..On what basis is he a nice young man? Pychopaths may appear to be quite normal and often even charming but according to psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley, the state of adaption was named the "mask of sanity". It is reported the student has a antisocial personality disorder which is a common characteristic trait shared among serial killers.Yeah you are a person with a personality disorder *after* trying to kill your teacher. You just look plain stupid trying to justify attempted murder. The online citizen, blogs and some other resources show even fellow students living in the same block as him are unaware there such a person exist living among them.If David had a gun, he most likely turn out to be another Seung-Hui Cho.
People are forgetting that David had a choice. In fact, he had many choices. He even could have asked his family for more choices or help if he ran out of his own ideas for choices. People must be held responsible for their actions.
It's easier to forgive him because he commited sucide. He became a martyr instead of an attempted murderer. Would people have sent him flowers and offered comforting words had he lived and stood trial for the stabbing of his professor? If Cho had lived, would it be so easy to forgive him? Would people be so quick to dismiss his actions as those of an unfortunate victim himself and deem that as having been punishment enough?
In an effort to forgive, there's a big difference between being sympathetic of what happened to him and the almost dismissive "He couldn't help it" attitude that has been happening. It is not okay to try to kill people.