May 22, 2009


fuck you, 

woman from the stupid SBS faculty who made it her semester-long goal to torture students without biology knowledge with near-impossible MCQ examination questions.


Thanks to you my gpa is now one more step to being VERY fucked up. And it's hardly fair seeing how your fucked up tinkering with the exam format seemed to make it NOT EVEN POSSIBLE for us to get a decent grade

may you burn in hell/have a minor lab accident (minor only, im not that evil)

ok im just venting. I need a target and she's the most convenient bitch around

May 15, 2009

to be honest, i am flabbergasted at how we went home empty handed. here were the other entries.

if i'd known, I would have continued singing KTV. if we were told before hand like the winners were told beforehand,  i would have stayed at home. maybe we're like the sex pistols - i think we're awesome, but we've never won a single prize. really. like you'd think by now we'd have come closer to winning something. 

it's all right, we'll keep trying

May 14, 2009


So here's what I've been doing the past week or two: 

Watching TV shows: namely the Simpsons, which i still have a lot of. The rest i've actually watched in between studying for exams :/

Conquering China - it's the strategy game Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11. Not exactly fun in the fun sense but strangely addictive. I guess it's just about conquering everything. This screenshot is my army about 4 cities away from conquering the entire China. 

AIESEC Speak out for Red - took just a full day of our efforts but i think it's pretty decent. Fingers crossed that the organisers don't do something stupid to make me curse and swear at them. 

Zhenggg guitars - clockwise - family of three electrics, heavily modified masterpiece mockingbird, washburn superstrat with custom finish (using duct tape) and NEW cloud inlays, acrylic mockingbird with NEW bird inlays. Probably going to zheng them again, just unsure with what. Waiting for the little killer pickups to arrive from the US (thanks JAC! :D) so I can replace the stock washburns.

Many of my friends appear to be rather awesome photographers. Judging from how awesome they made me look in these pictures:

By Ahmad! 

By Zed!

One of chang's cool ass shots with the cool ass lens which costs waaayyy more than that guitar (which cost me alot)

aaaand. A little gig from my band again! Not so pro but i guess we are decent. If you guys want to watch it's next monday (18th May 2009) at Music Dreamer Live Cafe. Here's the link for FACEBOOK USERS. Yup yup. To be honest I'm not that excited about it because i'm kind of lazy and performing is tiring. But I'm supposed to play the instrumental I played for fete so you can come down and watchhh =D. Oh by the way, theresacoverchargeof10.90whichincludesonenonalcoholicdrink. 

Next up, still in the midst of thinking of stories for crowbar awards. But i highly doubt theres a real chance of coming up with winning visuals simply because we're not really equipped for it. To be honest every step of the way we've done are just making do with what we know, not actual skills training. Something that bothers me about going to BCS, is that we seem to be groomed to be behind the scenes paperwork handlers, promoters, and et cetera without knowing  the requisite technical skills to succeed and produce real good work. That's all well and good, I can readily admit we can analyse, break down and structure stories, scenes and plots quite well. But are we able to reverse that process and make something high-quality? Very difficult. And it shows - why are poly students able to create such stunning camera work and special effects while we are restricted to dramatic creations which are less impressive? The answer is training, we lack it severely. I mean, this is something I heard from Vincent himself (the media head of CS) - outside, to be endowed with BASIC proficiency in AVID people go through an intensive 3-week long course. CS people have to make do with three 1.5 hour sessions to learn AVID. Nothing close. Audio proficiency needs like one entire course just to get the basics right, but yet there is no real workshop that trains us in that. 

Droning on and on, but basically what I want to say is, if you are interested to act for our crowbar entry, or want to be part of the crew, can sound me out and i'll be sure to call you down! Hopefully an idea pops in  my head soon.