Jun 28, 2006

go, run, hide, bitch, whine, moan, whatever

hmm.. stumbled upon i site i DID NOT like to see at all. actually its a blog, a dissident blog, that collates complaints from the worst losers on the planet and set up an aunty agony forum. or something like that

u knoe they compared AJ with cat high, and looked smth like this, actually it is this. School A is cat high and school B is u knoe whichever JC

well i'm not sure if they were ever from cat high but u got to realise lee hak boon, inspiring, hardworking, and even as much as i respect him, it's really foolish to spend out of your means. lets say you only got a hundred bucks a month, ur parents are overseas and left you no other money, would you go for luxuries?

well i was from cat high and indeed they do pull no punches in improving our study conditions. but doing this irresponsibly only puts pressure on the sch and its students, i mean, after spending so much the sch standard drop to 15 points? what the heck? and i clarify - when i left the school there was no such thing as wireless internet. And to clarify there are indeed plans in AJ to install wireless internet throughout the school. Even if i agree that it looks like its gonna fall apart any second, it WON'T. U haven't fucking went to prison yet so dun complain about the food.

i do agree sometimes teachers and admin really get me damn fucked up, and they make pretty bizzare decisions sometimes like re-painting the school and getting us to use our own paper for exams and asking us to do SDL even on topics where SDL is suicide. And from SC i do agree they reason in a very dumb manner sometimes like saying the rationale for not allowing food in LTs is cos people can choke on them.

but get this distinction right. If u dun like 0705's teachers, principal and admin, keep it to teachers, principals and admin. Dun fuck around and condemn everyone just cause u think u are better than everyone else. Let me tell you something, u've lived too young a life to go around thinking you are smart. Ever been to other JCs? Unis? or overseas to other schools? well ON TOP of studying (mugging as you would blindly put it) they are well disciplined talented and passionate individuals who care for society. (no its not the cat high pledge it's real) I dun expect this of singaporeans but what was said on that blog really disgusts me.

"Like many of you peeps, I never had much fun in 0705....

coz firstly, i was fr Arts, and having a less than competent arts teaching staff, we were often scorned and treated like third class citizens...quite weird actually coz my class was split into 3 grps for chinese lessons and my grp had to take with a Bio class. The teacher was quite horrid and she blatantly humiliate the arts students..but u noe wod, i kinda respect her coz she had the guts to say that she didnt like arts students and she didnt think much of us. In the end, when results came, the majority of the arts peeps got As and how did her pet class do? She was quite mad but she acknowledged she had to eat her words."


"0705 is so lousy
i would say it's the worst JC but it wouldn't be fair coz i do not know the other JCs too well
but at its present state, i cannot be sure it's a good JC

it sucks
firstly, many talk about the 0705 spirit
when councillors speak, or teachers speak, they always speak of the '0705 spirit'
it's non-existent
most students are more loyal to their sec.sch than to 0705
this can only be the fault of the school and nothing else

secondly, the people are plain stupid
most are intellectually challenged and have average results because they are hardworking
it's so hard to start an intellectual conversation with anyone

thirdly, the location is bad
when people want to go out, they will ask 'AMK? J8?'
fine, there is nothing anyone can do about it but i'll just kaobei
we're just so detached from orchard

fourthly, 0705 people are too cheena
speaking only chinese is not going to bring anyone any good
do try to speak more English
i just can't stand it when i talk in english and people reply in chinese
i mean, which school were they from?
chinese high, english low?

lastly, look at our Students' Council
what are they doing?
they are not doing anything at all
people should take a look at the other JCs' SCs and observe and compare, instead of being bochup about everything
i hope the J1s choose a better council

in case u're wondering, i'm a J2 so i know what i'm talking about"


well, it's really amusing how a self-professed j2 can be so immature in thought. U always think the grass is greener on the other side, but when u get there u realise it's not so green after all. If u dun learn to be content with what you have you'll never be content. And if u think SC really do not do anything, u must really be blind, to extremes. U think wad, we slog full time to please fat senseless arses like you arh? SC are students too and we do what we can, from small little stuff to big events. I'm sorry u dun care, but dun assume that becos u dun see it it doesnt exist.

and yea i know people from SC in other JC. Much better? when they come HERE and look, they think we're doing a great job. Really, it's the perspective of the viewer. U think u so smart, try being in council. Very very stupid person who wrote this. Location bad? eat where, amk, j8? well you don't fucking own the place so u wun benefit if they build a new shenton way in yio chu kang, so be glad it's not in the middle of some factories with low chimneys. I mean, "we're so detached from orchard?" if AJ is located in orchard i'd be happy of course cos it means i can WALK home and never be late for school (For the record i've never been late) but as of now the NEAREST school to orchard is SMU. So u like orchard that much, think u very smart, think we're too dumb for someone of your "calibre" go SMU and see if they take u in anot. thru wads of cash maybe u'd get in but you're just a poser.

and the line about not having intellectually able individual, if u think u are intellectual in fact you are not. No true intellectual will dabble on whether he is smart or not. Smart means you get As? smart means u can do math the fastest? that's what i thought too, when i was primary 3. So dude, for a j2, if u dun grow up u're gonna get pawned in life man, mark my words.

though i agree with the first one, arts dept is really like a sch within a sch. we dun get respect from a lot of people. Which is dumb actually cos we're 0705 and not 0705science and 0705arts. we dun have two sch songs or two sch flags. So the stick can be unfair sometimes.. like them spending millions on science research and being very stingy to history field trips et cetera.

dude, grow up, for real.

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