Oct 23, 2006

screw it with mugging

I don't like mugging. Cause it's so lonely to mug. Either I go off alone cause I live in a goddamned faraway place where nobody else lives nearby, or when studying people just don't talk. And suddenly everyone is an acquaintance.

All for what? In case people forget, A levels has no real purpose either than to get your ass into a uni and then hope that your life turns out right. Even O level certs get you employment. And those fuckers can be content, proud and brag about how good they are at physics or maths or whatever.

You think your employer fucking cares? The only education that really matters to them is, truthfully, the learning you get in the first few weeks of your job.

What an aimless education system. Pawns, that's what we all are. Economic progress is the main objective. Everything else is an externality. The economy won't stop to help people who don't fit into the system, in fact society doesn't really care. Serves you right. 'Advanced' level, cream of the crop, and all the flowery encouraging language.

You don't make the cut, you're shit. And your family will think you as shit. Society views you with little more sympathy than a hard-up beggar.

And you will feel like you are shit.

How many times have I seen it happen to people? Lives ruined over a slip of paper that doesn't really mean anything. Until the point that we are ALL freaking defined by a piece of paper.

And the "adults" just have it easy. Yes, we understand it's getting harder, but we have to keep with the times. Oh dear, your grades drop. Do you need tuition? Must I remind you how important it is to secure your A levels with good grades? You want to be road sweeper is it?

Yea, fucking easy.

So why aren't those same parents doctorates or professionals who've been there and done that?

I think it's just distorted beyond shit.

And in case this sounds like a desperate guy conceding that the A levels is beyond him, it's not. My family just fucked me up by reminding me of how great they are and what IS expected of me. So much for moral support.

So I guess that's another pillar, gone. Great. I have my feet, still, and I'll make em' stronger.

By the way, I'm quite prepared already, and maybe it's crazy, but I wish that tommorow will be GP, then the day after Maths papers, then Econs on Thursday, and the two history papers early next week.

Just hurry up so I can get on with a real life.

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