Jan 7, 2007

two thousand and seven!

Within the blink of an eye 2006 is also over, as I remember it was being touted as THE dreaded year for us, with the A levels and some irritating SC projects to plan and undergo.

Review of 2006:
Despite all the negative things that happened, well 2006 was really an enriching year for me, particularly the experience of handling events and people in SC, which I am finding to be very useful when dealing with assholes and scumbags. Now I find that the meticulous detail that we plan our events for actually makes us better employees, because unlike others we scrutinize detail and hence produce better work, which endear us to our employers and secures us some pretty decent pay. Yea, whatever.

Anyway, it's time for the new year resolution(s). I have never ever made a resolution on new year and got it done with, and I don't think 2007 will be different. But I'll just say it anyways.

  1. Have a fruitful 7-month break: Since I don't have to go to the army as all the other guys have to, this 7 month break before University life should not be wasted. Hence my plan is to find work for the first 2 or 3 months and then go on trips somewhere with a couple of friends.
  2. Save enough money to buy a bass guitar, another guitar and effects: I think bass is really fun to play and lots easier than playing guitar. Hence I shall buy a bass guitar (very possible cause I just want a cheap one). The part about another guitar is just pure speculation, cause I suppose I would be very happy with my Burny Guitar, which is finally coming after all those waiting.
  3. Go for singing lessons: Don't laugh, I think I might enjoy such lessons.
  4. Work at at least 3 different places and environments: To open my eyes to more environments, know more people and update my views on life. Also to train a poker face which I can use to deal with assholes and hypocrites in future.
  5. Quit being second fiddle-ed: I'm better, so don't try to put me down cause you're crap.
  6. Be nice to people who are truly nice to me: I'm a skeptic at heart, so this will be hard. But I'm sure it'd be possible.
  7. Be more appreciative of what I have: Many people are less fortunate, so I want to be appreciative of what I have (it's true ok , I'm not even complaining about my shit-broken laptop)
  8. Deal with my A's outcome no matter what happens: Although I'm pretty upbeat about my scores there's that tingling feeling about my exams. So it'd be great if I could handle whatever comes out of it.
  9. Meet up with old friends as often as possible: Singapore is damn small but let's not let friendships rot into acquaintances.
And I guess that's that for my expectations of 2007. The best part is, of course, as per every new year resolution, the odds of actually completing them are very low. But I'll try cause I have set really easy and achievable resolutions and not things like meeting Thierry Henry and being hunk of the year. But of course, any of the above 8 resolutions indeed make more sense than the last two.

2007 can also be a bad year!

10 grouses about 2007:
  1. Adult fare: grrr........ forgot to tap my EZ-link once already. That's a freaking $1.90
  2. Big fat obnoxious bitches as my superviso: What can be worse? But at least it's an experience...
  3. Male coursemates who would be 2 years older: when I get to university it's gonna be damn awkward.
  4. Everyone else going into the army: I'd feel sooooo alone. * sobs *
  5. After these seven months of no-school, there will be no other long breaks in life before we step out into society.
  6. With no canteen food to speak about, lunch and other expenditures will increase by a few hundred percent this year. Refer to adult fare.
  7. Arsenal isn't gonna win the league. DAMN.
  8. I'm actually backing Man Utd to win the league. WTF.
Ah, anyways, to all who still bother to read this blog, have a good year ahead, sincerely, from the bottom of this heart. Yea.

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