Jun 1, 2007


whats with all the people falling sick nowadays... I fell sick also, which is very sian cause was supposed to go kbox with my old friends, but maybe they dun believe me cause the week before i also had to cancel to visit the juniors at Labrador. Not like I don't want to go like that, so never mind. Anyways I swear someone spread the illness to me.. maybe my sis, cause she was quite sick and she coughs without covering mouth, etc... then I fall sick.... damn. Now my throat feels very uncomfy.

"class outing" yesterday, was supposed to go to the zoo but when we reached there it downpoured... so I had to convince them not to spend 20 bucks (entrance fee) to go in and see animals who will be hiding under some shelters to avoid the rain... ended up watching Shrek 3 (cause I already caught Pirates) and I must say its the biggest waste of money since the eye 10. I mean.. I know it's rated G and all... and Shrek babies are cutesy and whatever... but surely the story can be a lot more than a fairytale chapter...? Prince Charming (the bad guy for those who don't know) comes back and suddenly becomes king while Shrek looks for the successor, then Shrek comes back and after a very very short hour Prince Charming is defeated (without any fight whatsoever) and the Shreks live happily with their children.... now that's a real waste of money....

and another thing I noticed, after you've watched movies on digital screens (like cathay grand or something... basically the digital version of the movie, of which I watched pirates in) you'd feel that the other cinemas are like black and white tv... not so shuang anymore... so you can either go see digital and experience for yourself or you can don't go digital and enjoy your movies like you did before.

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