Jul 27, 2007


陶吉 is a very good songwriter.

Don't be fooled by the elaborate plucking, 寂寞的季节 is actually an easy song to play.

I want a Marshall micro stack. But I question the judgement of obtaining that. Though it comes with two speakers it's still based on 15W CDR, which is essentially my current amp. So I shall wait until I can get enough money (both to spend and in my bank account) before I decide.

My house is filling up with lots of packed furniture from my old house. I seriously suspect it's overcrowding. Or maybe it is overcrowded. I live in a virtual shoe-box, my living room is packed to the brim for at least a month. Seriously, with this much space in the house there's realistically just enough for four. But we have nine in the house. So like, people get on each other's nerves, especially those who pry into my precious shoebox of a living space.

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