Here goeth the first post of the year. Due to the high high chance that I will not be updating for a long, long, long.... time, I shall owe it to myself to update on a large chunk of things! Hopefully it will not be as boring as the rest of the posts, ha.
First, the death of my laptop (ok, actually it's temporary disability) If your biggest computer problem is simply, windows crashing, or screen dying, here's why you should not be complaining.
PHASE TWO: "Distorted screen" That's what the Fujitsu counter staff tagged it as, such an understatement
PHASE THREE: The Matrix Live Action - Just that it's not so much fun
Okay, basically to those of you who have been following it's chronological demise you know it has busted since the end of November while I was playing Geo Challenge on facebook one day, means I've been without it for a whole SIX weeks. Despite my raising all hell and high water, the Fujitsu engineer still continues to maintain that there is no proof that there is anything wrong with my graphics card and are ordering another motherboard replacement. However he did admit the Singapore technicians are sort of "puzzled" at the cause, so they would "escalate" it and ask the Fujitsu Japan side for instructions.
HOPEFULLY they will just give up on repairing it and give me a newer model. Otherwise my 'press connections' will try its best to make the whole world aware that these particular models will soon crash and burn like mine, so they will all run for replacements... so on and so forth, then Fujitsu goes bankrupt (not a really good thing)
So school has started so I told them, I need a laptop - could you please hurry it up. And they thus commisioned an old unit. Okay old is an understatement, it's an ancient relic, from the days of like Pentium 4, 1.2 GHz and 512 MB RAM. And it's small.
As big as the dust bin
About 2.5 cm thick
Basically, as big as my hand
Hows a huge hand supposed to type on that.
Okay well at least, I have a laptop to bring to class. At least it can run MS Office and Photoshop CS and internet browsing. At least I still have my media files in an external hard disk. So it's not THAT bad. And despite my ranting, I do accept and acknowledge that Fujistu has been pretty decent in dealing with this warranty stuff and can't really blame them for this erm, implosion. So that's that. Meanwhile please pray for my laptop's recovery!

But, well I saw this really incredible offer from a local shop so I had a great itch which had to be satiated. So I got this for just $99:

This is what it looks like in full but I seem to not have a picture of the whole guitar itself, just close ups. HSS config, Basswood body and 24F rosewood neck.

The two-point tremolo bridge which works decently, and a hide sticker!

It really plays great, very easy to play and light, and sounds quite solid for something at this price. Some point in time I will go and change pickups and upgrade stuffs, but for $99 this was really really a steal. (List price is S$300) Oh and yeah, it's new! =D
And, my band has been saving up to invest in our own home jamming studio. It's crude but it works, and got a 300watts PA from the City Music Sale for a little below $500, quite a decent deal!
So all that is what I have remembered to keep updated so far.
Today, we went to see off PAMOS at Changi T3. It was... early. Like I had to wake up at 6 am early. And cold, and it was very far away. But only me and Jeanette reached somewhat early. So early that we were earlier than Pamy. Yup, it's really strange and hollow that some friends are going to be away in the land of dreams and riches (maybe not but...) and greater guitars called the U.S of A. Pamos is so cute they looked really 90% like they were going on their honeymoon (I should have taken a shot of them inside the immigration area) I don't own any pictures but Amos apparently has a video recording of our parting words =D And a couple of other people have the pictures. Originally, like more than 10 people were supposed to send them off, but ended up only 5 of us managed to wake up in time to catch them before they flew, so it's kind of a sad sad shame, hehehe.
Soon Jac will also leave for exchange, making an empty school building even more empty than it can be. I will have to find new things to do.
I've gotten tired of typing and linking images, so... =D Till next next next time.
WASHBURN X-10 Metallic Blue

This is what it looks like in full but I seem to not have a picture of the whole guitar itself, just close ups. HSS config, Basswood body and 24F rosewood neck.
The two-point tremolo bridge which works decently, and a hide sticker!
It really plays great, very easy to play and light, and sounds quite solid for something at this price. Some point in time I will go and change pickups and upgrade stuffs, but for $99 this was really really a steal. (List price is S$300) Oh and yeah, it's new! =D
And, my band has been saving up to invest in our own home jamming studio. It's crude but it works, and got a 300watts PA from the City Music Sale for a little below $500, quite a decent deal!
So all that is what I have remembered to keep updated so far.
Today, we went to see off PAMOS at Changi T3. It was... early. Like I had to wake up at 6 am early. And cold, and it was very far away. But only me and Jeanette reached somewhat early. So early that we were earlier than Pamy. Yup, it's really strange and hollow that some friends are going to be away in the land of dreams and riches (maybe not but...) and greater guitars called the U.S of A. Pamos is so cute they looked really 90% like they were going on their honeymoon (I should have taken a shot of them inside the immigration area) I don't own any pictures but Amos apparently has a video recording of our parting words =D And a couple of other people have the pictures. Originally, like more than 10 people were supposed to send them off, but ended up only 5 of us managed to wake up in time to catch them before they flew, so it's kind of a sad sad shame, hehehe.
Soon Jac will also leave for exchange, making an empty school building even more empty than it can be. I will have to find new things to do.
I've gotten tired of typing and linking images, so... =D Till next next next time.
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