i think this pic is damn funny. Apparently a bat came into SC room and viola. She HIDES!!! =D
any resemblance to any person living or dead is unintentional
Aug 29, 2006
Aug 26, 2006
get me out of here, somebody
i am wasting too much time at home. I believe this has been well documented. The solution? Get out of my own house. Damn, who else would waste time doing what i am doing two weeks before prelims???
peeps, remember the old guitar that was abandoned in council room? the one with the broken G STRING. Yea that one. The G string has been put on again but now the B and E strings are broken due to my folly. Anw i am returning the guitar to SC room to be one of its heirlooms. Haha. Of course i said i'd BEAUTIFY IT. So from that made in China from cheap one-piece wood, badly colored rusty and dunno wad guitar, i've added some paint (using permanent pen markers lol) to make it into something that looks alright. And to do all that, I wasted 3 hours. The dumb part is, actually all the strings were new, but when i destringed them i accidentally twisted and made the strings snap -_-"
anw i was so FREE i took some pics as well. Please remember all changes are cosmetic.the yamaha sign was ripped off some ancient rotting yamaha amp from sc room, doubt it works, but taking the sign off wun spoil it, lol. I think reimin might kill me for that. Or gary. But heck, gary saw me do it and didn't say anything, instead pointed me to the screwdriver, so okay.
here you can see the broken string(s). the grey thing is actually silver marker applied a few times over, and no matter how i look i love the yamaha sign :)
another angle... anw i also added gold coloring to the tuners. haha.. they used to look rusty and silver.
full view of the neck and fretboard.. i recolored the dots and added all our names =) to the frets there, as well as a SC logo..
"original imitation" how ironic lol. If you can see actually on the 6th string that fret i put little numbers indicating the fret number, quite dumb...
pick case with jim dunlop pick inside. i really have no use for it so might as well paste it here
the wordings i wrote on the fretboard
DAMN KEWL RIGHT? previously the picture "decorating" the sound box was some TGM certificate which was fake and ripped in half. I put this in, and it looks damn damn kewl. I think.
August 05- July 06 - Our reign MWAHAHAHAHA.
anw, its not a total waste of time, i learnt smth. When i was gluing the new plastic string holder in place i accidentally spilled super glue BETWEEN my fingers, and I panicked. So went to wash with water but i thought it CORRODED my fingers (sobs). But alas, don't worry, if it happens to you never panic. Quickly go to the bathroom and grab ur mum/sis/your nail polish remover (its the best) or make up remover, put it on a piece of cotton wool and dab on the glue. It will dissapear instantly, you just have to wash it away. If u leave it for too long (i ate dinner first before i washed it off) you're gonna have your work cut out scraping it off your own skin, and then it would hurt a little. Wash with warm water for a while and VIOLA! No more super glue, everything is alright =D
Im gonna get those two strings individually tmr, cant afford to buy a new set again, cause my ultimate target is still MG85C.
that being said, please, make me study.
Aug 24, 2006
There is really more than one way to be happy.
Like for example, knowing that the thing you want wants you as well =D
I was at the YAMAHA shop (again) and asked around a bit, and saw (gasp) hide's MG80X stashed away in their glass room for expensive guitars. My gawd it's so damn beautiful! I kinda decided to pursue one of those. I mean get. So I asked the guys at YAMAHA shop. As of now they don't stock it, but the guy said it's possible to import the guitar from Japan. Would take about three months to ship and he said it should not be any much more expensive (same retail price as in Japan but possibly some handling charges) so most likely I'm in a lot a lot of luck. And the MG80X costs 80,000 Yen, at the YAMAHA shop they sold it for 1500 plus. The one I'm after costs 85,000Yen so its about 1.6k or thereabouts. Damn. Still some distance away but I can put a deposit and save up for the shortfall. And so I'm still waiting for his quotations.
Keeping my fingers crossed, about this and another thing.
kalo lu sunguhan teman-ku, kenapa kau membual? kenapa masalah hati mesti menjadi rongsok begini? aku tak mau menghilangkan dia, dia juga membuatku senang. Walau kau teman baik-ku, masalah tentang hati itu memang ngak bisa sembarangan kasih. Tak tahu gimana, lihat lah reaksinya dia dulu...
Today's one of those days, that I sense a conspiracy being hatched against me. A ploy in the works to sideline me completely.
Nevertheless I continue to be enjoying life as I know it. Except that I can't seem to study at home, at all. Shall follow others into staying back in school, and in quiet-er areas of school where human traffic don't distract me.
TWENTY DAYS seems so far away, but in reality it's far too close, too much revision undone. Guess I am thankful I only take 3 subjects, and there's still the September holidays to re-revise all the revision notes and lectures. History should not be a problem. Maths, I would need to memorise formulae and practise more, which I would do in the next two weeks. Econs, I'm gonna memorise essays.
See? I'm fine.
I think my guitar skills are deteriorating.
And my left hand's fingers hurt from over sliding on an acoustic.
Soccer today was good, our guys won 3-2. As usual the PE dept took one whole hour to teach the last and final step of the oh-so-challenging ACES DAY dance. Anyways, was playing in holding midfield position, and I think I really pissed off the damn tall guy from Shui Yong's class. I mean c'mon he's playing in central midfield and one head taller than me. And much faster too, of course I gotta use some violence. Not that I hit him that hard anyways... Though I let him pass a few times he was really pissed at the end of the match, most likely with me or with his teammates for launching long balls up. Hah. Just thankful I'm not that much of a burden to the team anymore.
I have a strong feeling I'll end up ordering MG-75C and asking them to modify it with sustainer in Japan, which would make it look like this:
of course no such model exists, i used photoshop to put in the bridge pickup and sustainer. as wellas all the switches. According to my calculations after handling fees it should cost me near 1500 bucks. Phew. AT least its cheaper than a les paul.
Come to think of it American Standard is really standard. All the Ang moh bands seem to have a prerequisite of having a les paul and a stratocaster. Gibson and Fender respectively. Was watching all the MTVs in my collection and even AVRIL LAVINGE uses les paul to play rythm guitar. What a waste of guitar manz...
Today's one of those days, that I sense a conspiracy being hatched against me. A ploy in the works to sideline me completely.
Nevertheless I continue to be enjoying life as I know it. Except that I can't seem to study at home, at all. Shall follow others into staying back in school, and in quiet-er areas of school where human traffic don't distract me.
TWENTY DAYS seems so far away, but in reality it's far too close, too much revision undone. Guess I am thankful I only take 3 subjects, and there's still the September holidays to re-revise all the revision notes and lectures. History should not be a problem. Maths, I would need to memorise formulae and practise more, which I would do in the next two weeks. Econs, I'm gonna memorise essays.
See? I'm fine.
I think my guitar skills are deteriorating.
And my left hand's fingers hurt from over sliding on an acoustic.
Soccer today was good, our guys won 3-2. As usual the PE dept took one whole hour to teach the last and final step of the oh-so-challenging ACES DAY dance. Anyways, was playing in holding midfield position, and I think I really pissed off the damn tall guy from Shui Yong's class. I mean c'mon he's playing in central midfield and one head taller than me. And much faster too, of course I gotta use some violence. Not that I hit him that hard anyways... Though I let him pass a few times he was really pissed at the end of the match, most likely with me or with his teammates for launching long balls up. Hah. Just thankful I'm not that much of a burden to the team anymore.
I have a strong feeling I'll end up ordering MG-75C and asking them to modify it with sustainer in Japan, which would make it look like this:
of course no such model exists, i used photoshop to put in the bridge pickup and sustainer. as wellas all the switches. According to my calculations after handling fees it should cost me near 1500 bucks. Phew. AT least its cheaper than a les paul.
Come to think of it American Standard is really standard. All the Ang moh bands seem to have a prerequisite of having a les paul and a stratocaster. Gibson and Fender respectively. Was watching all the MTVs in my collection and even AVRIL LAVINGE uses les paul to play rythm guitar. What a waste of guitar manz...
Don't mess, no messin' with me cause
I'd whoop your ass put you back into r-e-a-l-i-t-y
Son of a bitch, you goddamned fuckin' sonofabitch
It ain't that easy to stab me in the back, nonono it's never easy
I ain't dumb ain't blind ain't stupid
I know what you're trying to do
I can't take this life, stab me in the back!
I can't take this life, cause you stab me in the back!
Yeah fuck, what's up with you, acting like you know me that well?
Friend or foe, how do I know?
No I don't I never know
That doesn't stop me, no not at all
I'd take steps against you, just in case
Can you blame me? I'm not the one to blame
It's you, it's you
Stop lying you fucker
Cause I don't trust you no more
I'm gonna shoot you
I'm gonna hire someone to shoot you
With a bullet with my name on it
And I'm gonna tell him to graze your ear
Just so you know
I'm on to you.
To killing you
Aug 23, 2006
Then the rainstorm came, over me
And I felt my spirit break
I had lost all of my, belief you see
And realized my mistake
But time through a prayer, to me
And all around me became still
I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Through the rainstorm came sanctuary
And I felt my spirit fly
I had found all of my reality
I realize what it takes
'Cause I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Oh I, don't bet (don't bend), don't break (don't break)
Show me how to live and promise me you won't forsake
'Cause love can help me know my name
Well I try to say there's nothing wrong
But inside I felt me lying all along
But the message here was plain to see
Believe me
'Cause I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Oh I, don't bend (don't bend), don't break (don't break)
Show me how to live and promise me you won't forsake
'Cause love can help me know my name
Love can help me know my name.
Aug 21, 2006
the saint called nicholas
hmmm i just realised smth, damn random thought...
of the SN girls i know, wells, none are ordinary, lets see..
#1: J.C. - always act "bimbo" and quite irritating but is a very nice person nonetheless (although she dao me all the time nowadays) would surprise you with the loud booming and diva-eqsue voice
#2: Y.Y - first 3 mths og mate. Eat a lot, attracts people like X.L. and is happy being called dustbin.
#3: M.A.J.C.Y.T - her full name has four different names which u can call her, and pretty much like #1 although she gave this particular instructor quite a lot of problems. Ahem. and injured herself climbing the stairs -_-" admitted before that she once ηζδΈη½ cause i was holding an umbrella in bright daylight during orientation (ok ima abit vain maybe)
#4: K.W. - nuff said. She is already happily attached but derives pleasure from terrorising me matthew and a lot of other guys and telling her BF about every single detail. First time i saw her i thought she put way too much of the pink color ting on the cheeks but then realised that its just her face. and the odd part is H.Z. said she's hot. from the back that is.
#5: R.M. - she's the ____, so she loves to do volunteer work and help those less fortunate. But at the same time she has fantasies of sprinkling salt on snails who are way way way less fortunate. And she's very likely to stay quiet for the whole 30 minutes and then jump up spring and bounce and hop for 30 seconds and go back to sitting down again.
#6: F.T. - i better not say anything cos she only owes me one favor left. very fierce, very loud, and rather un-lady like. She managed to bullshit her way thru that her bf drives a ferrari to sch everyday and always take her around in it (i believed that, for a while) and most of the time is quite noisy. But is a good source for ricola droplets.
#7: YT: - my pri sch fren who can still be considered an SN girl. errrrrr.. never mind she'll never read this so ima safe. Fierce feminist who always like to beat the boys (which she never did to me and my friends). Apparently she got some weird fantasy that i won't elaborate upon, but it involves leathers and showcases her desire to beat the boys all the time. right, i already said i wont elaborate. Gives me the goosebumps......
i can't remember anymore of them, which either means i know very few SN people or the rest just don't catch the eye. nevertheless, if u identify ur friends or yourself in the descriptions stated above, please re-read the disclaimer. It's legal so it should be true.
can see but cannot touch
rather than have me look at beautiful but hurtful people i'd rather stare at beautiful guitars like these... lol strictly no touch, the cheapest among them is 1200 bucks or more, the white one...
in the midst for saving up for one of the above (unlikely cause i'd rather get a low-end les paul =P) i forked out 80 bucks for this acoustic guitar. Its like those um.. jumbo guitars but an imitation version, who gives a damn it sounds nice and looks nice, though im 100% its cheap wood and the neck is badly fixed to the soundbox and the body. But still playable and sounds nice nonetheless
my classmates are really nice =) last year the only thing i rmb getting was two bottles of lemonade from izhar and kerrin (which was dumb since i already had a bottle of lemonade around that day) and a shirt from my sis, and an MP3 player from my mum. They got me this soft toy flower from those shops in town (more than words or smth i'd tink), a guitar tuner, a capo, a pick case and a book on duncan-seymour pickups (i dun understand why but thanks anyways). Nice =) although Kristine did make me hold the bright flower around for the whole day...
erm.. we met leong parn for the first time in a year or so, she's pretty much the same to me although the rest thought she changed alot. At least she didn't call me male chauvanist pig (which i still don't understand why) and I didn't call her a constipated chicken (lol). But i guess UK is fun though we never got to hear it from the horses' mouth.
this is how we sat:
x x x x x x x x x x x
| | | | | | | | | |
x x x x x x x x x x x
and the guys wanted to sit in the middle at first but the girls chased us away to the sides. So it ended up with the extreme right occupied by the "jungle babes" (ROFL!!! ((: ) middle occupied by leong parn and the other girls and the extreme left occupied by the guys. Quite a sad touch but we are kinda used to it, so we just crapped like usual, only more cranky. Tai yong and desley din help by waiting for others to not finish their food, just ordering garlic bread to share between the two of them and surviving on two glasses of pepsi from our jug. A lot a lot of other crap made it really fun, but right now i just cant remember anything, just that its fun.
haha din do any work over the weekend except the research essay, which im nt done yet.
i think im crazy, i predict i won't sleep until morning again today esp with my new beauty :)
this year strangely enough i forgone things that i once presumed were better than any gift for such stuff. And guess what? I'm really happier with such stuff. At least the guitar doesnt hurt you until you break it. Or get electrocuted (super duper duper unlikely unless you try to change the parts with it still plugged on, which is still unlikely.)
Aug 20, 2006
my mother asked me why my friends don't come over to study anymore.
how do i explain to her about what happened between us?
wells. i really don't give a fuck.
i shall study in school from tommorow onwards.
and fuck, i think divine intervention is determined to ruin my comp to make me study. My monitor is dying dying dying turning red purple and whatnot sobs. Maybe i'd invest in a dell flatscreen or smth sudden influx of cash haha =)
why do i feel so normal today, its supposed to be a happy day...
my sis is happily talking now, i think she found a new guy, good for her =)
i won't reccomend going to outback steak to eat, its kinda ex, and the food is average... if u want, go to millenia walk and look for paulaner brahaus, and order the pork knuckles. HEAVENLY OK. yea lol
just got back from dinner... the food was overpriced methinks.. and that means today i practically wasted my whole day lazing off.... whee.. nvm tmr onwards reduced timetable.
its just an ordinary day
Sunday, there's nothing really special about today
im still mugging
but strangely i got the time to do up a new blogskin
how does it look?
please gimme some feedback yea >={
1700 words
still no improvement. maybe my brain is dried up today im really quite distracted lol... three cold war essays and another SEA essay with the research paper. Maths prelim papers some more. sighh.
and Arsenal drew 1-1 at Emirates despite owning Villa throughout the match. Ah wells at least Walcott provided an assist after just 5 minutes of coming on.
hha. My uncle came from indonesia and his wife had this eyelid operation thing, kinda weird how people are so vain to do anything... anyways my sisters and my uncle and dad went down to play "tennis" - cos they really can't play - my uncle can... and i overheard his wife gossiping to my mum about her daughter, ie my cousin. haha she was a tomboy, studied here once and et cetera, but now she's reverted back to feminism so her mum wants her to look for BF. But then none of her friends interest her so they went to church to look. So she went and took a liking for this guy but don't dare to talk to him. damn funny haha, cause in the end her mum called the guy's parents and etc, didn't think such things would exist
otherwise its been a boring day in which i've consumed sushi, mee goreng and some other bad stuffs. hah.
hmm i think i might be able to sleep before 3 am today haha
Aug 19, 2006
Aug 18, 2006
i think im turning into an oddball.
first, i was checking online schedules for ESPN Asia today. I thought they'd screen the match, so when it wasn't on the list I was cursing these seeders (im using web TV). Three hours later i realised. The Arsenal match is on Saturday.
secondly, i went back to check again. And i continued cursing cause the fucked up Filipinos prefer billiards to soccer. Cheebai.
And i think i broke my insomniac record, in the past 4 days i've slept at 3.30 am and woke up at 5.30 am everyday. Not that i'm not tired, I'm very tired. And it shows cause when I wake up from afternoon nap I find myself drooling on my pillow, bloody stink now. When you're tired you drool, i'd guess....
no sleep again tonight... cause I gotta rush essays and revision as well =(
akuro no oka rythm guitar is a bit too easy... i think i'll look dumb. but never mind.
i miss sushi from meidi-ya. Should go and get later :)
lets see... i wanna take a plane ride to Europe and explore it on foot for at least two years in my life, alone or with others. Would be fun. And i'd take more than $2000 with me. I'm not a nutcase yet haha
Aug 16, 2006
stupid GP teachers
I heard they[apostrophe]re going through punctuation for bridge today [full stop] And I can[apostrephe]t help but to skip GP and go home [full stop] Worst thing is [comma] I heard if you skip bridge they will make you write a letter absolving the GP dept of all blame for your GP grade [full stop] Something I would have no qualms writing [comma] since I think they[apostrophe]re making people fail GP instead of acing it [full stop] When were they ever responsible for our grades [question mark] If its good grades they claim credit and completely discount our already existent abilities [comma] and if we do badly they say its because we don[apostrophe]t put in enough effort to match the teacher[apostrophe]s level of effort [full stop] I[apostrophe]m really sorry [comma] just because they feel they have put in a lot of effort does not mean that they are doing the correct things to help us [full stop] For a start [comma] instead think of ways to make GP interesting [full stop] encourage flair [comma] and logical thinking [full stop] That would make students more interested in GP and then you won[apostrophe]t have much problems getting As [full stop]
But I suppose that[apostrophe]s a foregone conclusion because half the GP teachers are less than half qualified to teach us English [full stop] I mean how do you explain it if the grammar [comma] vocabulary and phrasing are entirely legitimate [comma] sound and more sophisticated to showcase flair [comma] they circle and say mistakes in grammar [question mark] It sucks knowing that there are a bunch of idiots trying to help you [inverted commas open] ace [inverted commas close] GP [full stop] Stop deluding yourself [comma] you guys are going on assumptions that all students suck and everyone should be learning your stupid structured style of writing and write identical essays to score shit marks [full stop] And then next year you[apostrophe]re going to repeat the cycle again whilst retaining your jobs as [inverted commas open] teachers [inverted commas close][full stop]
Aug 15, 2006
i kinda forgot the term for being unable to sleep so i once put "amnesia" as my MSN nick. Quite a strange thing cause I don't remember my English to be that bad, but I guess I should forgive myself cause it was 3 am, I had to wake up at 5.30 and I couldn't sleep since 11. So I probably have a bit of amnesia as well. And I keep forgetting about a lot of other stupid stuff as well, like how I told myself that looking out for someone is a very dangerous distraction.
I mean, in 3 weeks time we have our prelims already, which almost certainly spell the end of AJ for most of us, for me at least. I don't care much, really, about my prelim results, since the ultimate aim is still A levels, but I guess I should take it as a good practice. The thing is, nostalgia comes back sometimes.
Remembering the day we stepped down, I actually wasn't listening to the speeches at all, and I really belittled that event cause in my mind I'm really out of council already... but then all the nostalgia came back, of how we always cram council room, how I posted a sign outside to refer people to the real storeroom, how I would hijack some tagged guitar to play during breaks, how I would hide in SC room whenever I skipped maths lectures, how we all stayed back late for no apparent reason, partly how the teachers get on our nerves with the occasional burst of a lack of logic and how we always curse the school admin for the stupid things they do. I'm happy that it's ended in some ways because good things will lose their value if there's too much of it. Why do we fondly remember holidays? Why do we fondly reminisce about those who have passed on? It really just occured to me its my last 3 months of actually wearing a uniform everyday (I don't intend to work for JTC, Macs or anything like that, not if I can help it, anyways) in my whole life. It crossed me that this is really the last time I can make a mistake and get away with a simple scolding. It really crossed me that in a few years time I will have to fend for myself, start a family and venture into great unknowns.
Like how I might be unfair to people when I rubbish their efforts sometimes. Yup, please do know that I always feel guilty after I realise I do it, so I'm really sorry yea. I was browsing through my friendster testimonials and as Alvin pointed out, maybe I do have high expectations of the people around me... misconception maybe but to a certain extent it's right... never mind, I'm really going out of point. Haha.
People, always answer the question. That's what I've learnt from the past month of history intensive teaching by Mr Seng. Must say his 1 month of teaching was very effective in making us better thinkers and allowing us to have better analysis. Not any discredit to Miss Ng, but to a large extent he really improved our analysis so much that now when I look at my past essays from last year I shake my head in disbelief that I actually wrote crap like that. Yups... and the essay assignment I just got back, quite a disappointing grade but a C is definitely generous for an effort that beat around the bush without answering the question....
And even though I still don't like Mrs Ong I do recognise her dedication and her efforts, just that I still despise the way she goes about teaching. One of many teachers under the special category of killing off my interests in subjects. With all due respect I don't remember dreading Mrs Lee's (math HOD) lessons last year even though she was more strict from the start on us doing our own learning. I guess it's really the approach. I don't recall Mr Denis Leong actually teaching anything, just him coming in, highlighting the method once and then spouting crap for the rest of the lesson. As in non-maths crap. And everyone got away with As. Again, I am deviating from the subject. The point is, answer the question please. Haha. Don't ask me how to do GP, the basic idea is answer the question. But if you wanna improve your writing, here are a few things you can do.
- Get rid of your liquid paper/blanko/correction tape. This will force you to avoid mistakes when writing cause you don't want to cross out and make a mess of your own script.
- Carpet bombing for GP is dumb and ineffective. Much as all the GP teachers in AJ, since that's all they tell students to do. There are chunks of information in the newspapers everyday, but remembering statistics doesn't really equate to examples. Actually it doesn't. But they still force people to do it anyway. It's actually an irony in itself because while their job is to improve our GP skills, they are actually asking us to do the otherwise. Trust me on that.
- Try to think intelligently. Hard to start but once you get the hang of it you'll find that others are actually not-that-smart-as-their-grades look.
- If your grammar is really bad, it's not too late. Go to the library, pick out those Oxford classics (I'd recomend Alexendre Dumas's works cause they don't bore you to sleep and yet those English freaks at Oxford translates his work into very very cheem English. I wouldn't really call it English, but reading such books helps your English standard A LOT). As compared to reading newspapers, since reports are factual and don't really make you more well prepared for GP. The review page can be interesting, but please note half of these adults really have weak arguments. So read with discression that all those viewpoints are mostly biased.
- Read a history scholar's work. Really horrible shit cause its even heavier than Alexander Dumas un-condensed. Well what do you expect from professionals who spend all day debating viewpoints and making themselves smarter? Marvel at how they take a whole chunk of information and draw patterns and in-depth analysis that you would not have thought of.
Aug 13, 2006
life lesson
just got back from the 22nd/23rd sc gathering.. it was really good.. at least for most parts. I wasn't that keen on going at first for obvious reasons, but i guess today i learnt that one very rotten apple doesnt spoil the whole basket of em'. Yups. They held it at Pear's house, the VP of the 23rd. pretty queer character haha. Used to tink of her as the innocent and very goody-two-shoes type but guess that changed when she starts thinking about putting salt on snails.... and using a lighter on her own hand for entertainment purposes... okays. Apart from that she's still pretty much according to my previous description. Haha....
din eat alot... no appetite, as with most bbqs, particularly having a person around didn't help. yups, i suppose that sums it all up, especially when the person makes oneself so highly visible its impossible to miss. And some insensitive buggers who say very insensitive things.
anyways, on the bright side, seemong and kiente taught me how to play bridge in less than 30 minutes. Haha its really rather easy to learn, to tink i couldn't understand last time. And wad else? they were sharing ghost stories most of which i've heard before, so wasn't interested... ended up in her urm, whatdya call that, courtyard? singing some songs with sabby and qicai, v long nv sing liao haha... im nt fully recovered from sore throat yet, so the high notes still made my throat rather uncomfy... yeps. pear showed some more signs of *******.
lets see, what else? i ate fried rice from a plastic cup cos i couldn't find any plates... people were so amazed i dun knoe why, haha... quite fun though clement cheng almost crushed me while playing his mahjong. CRUSHED.
hmph... before i went there i was at PS gawking at hot hot models. damn sleek la, those nowadays.. so many new models, but they're all out of my reach lol...
in case people confuse me for a cikopek i'm referring to fernandes guitars which yamaha sells. Yeap. the cheapest one with sustainer cost 700 bucks, but looks like an ordinary strat so it doesnt appeal to me.. retrorocket pro! yep.. the rest are damn kewl and darned beauties... revolver x looks appealing, so does vertigo x and dragonfly x. haha... but the REAL beauties are the limited edition ravelles they keep in a locked room... CHERRY BURST RAVELLE LE!!! 1500 bucks lol... and i realised, i might be over biased towards yamaha guitars after all. they do have some beauty models as well lol...
hmm. people were surprised i actually turned up today... had my reservations too, but i guess it worked out alrite. I love everyone else remember? everyone ELSE. yups...
oh yeah, i stumbled across some stupid dumb duck blog from one of my ex-friends from secondary sch. I forgot what the fuck i did but one of my best friends whom i hung around with just hates me soooo much i'm labelled a stupid shithead. Wow. I'm sorry if you dun mind, explain to me what i did? Maybe im cursed or what those i consider best friends tend to turn their backs on me after some time... ok not all, i hope. Right BEST FRIENDS? haha.
oh cutie cutie, why won't you talk to me? LOL
people that was a joke, i don't mean my MSN nick
Aug 10, 2006
got this from chuan'sblog. damn funny la
A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was a very good-looking woman, and determined to keep the ranch but knew very little about ranching, so she decided to place an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand.
Two men applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk.
She thought long and hard about it, and when no one else applied, she decided to hire the gay guy, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house than the drunk.
He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours every day and knew a lot about ranching. For weeks the two of them worked and the ranch was doing very well.
Then one day the rancher's widow said to the hired hand, "You have done a really good job and the ranch looks great. You should go into town and kick up your heels."
The hired hand readily agreed and went into town one Saturday night.
One o'clock came, however, and he didn't return. Two o'clock...and no hired hand. He returned around two-thirty and upon entering the room he found the rancher's widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass of wine, waiting for him.
She quietly called him over to her.
"Unbutton my blouse and take it off," she said.
Trembling, he did as she directed.
"Now take off my boots." He did as she asked, ever so slowly.
"Now take off my socks."
He removed each ! gently and placed them neatly by her boots.
"Now take off my skirt."
He slowly unbuttoned it, constantly watching her eyes in the fire light.
"Now take off my bra."
Again, with trembling hands, he did as he was told and dropped it to the floor.
"Now," she said, "take off my panties."
By the light of the fire, he slowly pulled them down and off.
Then she looked at him and said, "If you ever wear my clothes into town again, I'll fire you on the spot."
Aug 9, 2006
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to singapore...
happy birthday to you!!!
Was watching the NDP parade for fun just now cause I just can't seem to study... and reminisced about the Cat High days, where we had to perform for NDP. Quite interesting experience haha.. and it cost us the school field, cause while the damned choreographers were leaving us to be cooked in the sun we were in formation and nothing better to do, we pluck grass. SO after the NDP thing the cat high field became a desert with fancy patterns. People play some more soccer etc, and all they did was dump fertilizer and pray for the grass to grow. Right. Obviously none grew and I'll forever remember the cat high field, when a gust of wind blew and you'd think you just saw a sandstorm. Back to the NDP, its pretty much the same every year.. from the parade to the everything. And poor Nathan can't stay to really PARTY (the real fun is not the parade, its the post-parade, trust me 100% on that) cause he was kinda ceremoniously booted out of the national stadium...
anyway, the national stadium is really CMI for stadia, considering a country like singapore's stature. I mean even Munich has a better stadium 30 years ago. And with all the GDP surplus the government surely can afford more than 10 world-class stadiums if it wished. But this national stadium is really crap, if you've been inside you'd notice that its really patched up desperately with new coats of anyhow-paint lining the walls... I mean Arsenal paid a few hundred millions for emirates stadium, but its like the fucking best in Europe now? Singapore maybe wun be that extravagant but at least get a real place they can call world class can? I mean, once you have the venue there'll definitely be uses for it, more bands will want to come to perform in a smashing 60000 seater stadium and the local scene will be so much better. Maybe some super towkay can buy an S-league club and trash everyone or smth. U know, the like.
kinda random but well.
I think i just wasted away my ninth august. Woke up well into the afternoon and then after lunch it was about 3. Played some guitar and tried to study, but distracted super duperly by ______ (not that its a bad thing... but it is a bad thing... sigh) and also by my FM06 game. Attempted the research paper question, analysed it, not bad, at least got my argument framework worked out, and tried to flip thru some notes. But again, nothing much went in. Then the NDP parade, and further attempts to study was disrupted. Oh wells.... guess it's no harm taking a deserved (or not) break today, at least Ima done with the maths vectors and trigo corrections.
The damned maths test... after re-doing i realised how fucking easy that paper was, and i got like single digit for both? what a waste man...
tommorow i shall go downstairs to study, at least I'm sure I won't be distracted.
i feel tempted to go out and buy a new bag...
but the money is reserved for my fernandes guitar...
how? what should i do?
Aug 8, 2006
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
i am imagining things i am thinking too much
maybe im not but i think i am... let it come true pls
at home on a rare holiday
sad sad.. everyone else seems to have plans for today but not me. yeap i'm staying at home to study. wells at least soccer was good. haha. wun say more.
hmm i just like the feeling when ___ look at ___. But please dun do it too often or I will _____.
Aug 7, 2006
36 days
thats how long left to prelims, and I really need to rid myself of the distractions.
like imagining things in class.
overheard 2 gals talking abt some stuff today, particularly the tings which their bf have done for them which they tink are sweet and they are very happy about. Well, i thought their bfs had little originality, or have i actually done everything they mentioned and more? give me the assurance that the problem is not me...
Aug 5, 2006
38 degreez
fever on friday morning made me skip sch. The part which disgusted me most is that my mum thot i was faking cos i told her i wanted to rest on friday. How disgusting when their main concern is not my health but my grades.
have a feeling the doc botched my left ingrown toenail. Never mind. Feel like shit now, no more fever but my throat still feels like its an open wound and my head is constantly held in a headache position. Trying to do some tutorials now....
Aug 2, 2006
say it isn't so..........
Say It Isn't So - Bon Jovi
I just can't believe
It was all a lie
No man in the moon
Just a big light in the sky
I hear Disneyland
Might lose Mickey Mouse
In some giant hostile corporate shake-up
Tell me it's a nightmare
Please wake me up
(Say it isn't so)
I found a book of matches
From someplace we've never been
How come you hang the phone up
The minute I walk in
Last night I had this dream
That I was losing you
I woke up in a cold sweat shaking
Rescue me my heart is breaking
Say it isn't so (tell me it's not true)
Say it isn't so (I believe in you)
Tell me it's a lie (I don't need no proof)
They did it all with strings Say everything's alright (couldn't be, not
Say it isn't so
Superman don't fly
They did it all with strings
Elvis Presley died
They deep fried the king
Like some tacky cheesy bathing beauty
Dancing on the beach in a bad b-movie
Say it isn't so (tell me it's not true)
Say it isn't so (I believe in you)
Tell me it's a lie (I don't need no proof)
Say everything's alright (couldn't be, not you)
Say it isn't so (don't give up on me)
Say it isn't so (don't give up on you)
Get me through the night (we'll make it through)
Make everything alright (couldn't be, not you)
Say it isn't so..
Say it isn't so (tell me it's not true)
Say it isn't so (I believe in you)
Tell me it's a lie (I don't need no proof)
Say everything's alright (couldn't be, not you)
Say it isn't so (don't give up on me)
Say it isn't so (don't give up on you)
Get me through the night (we'll make it through)
Make everything alright (couldn't be, not you)
Say it isn't so.
quite amazing how Bon Jovi turned from being a rock band into a band doing such mainstream songs. Genius in staying relevant or sell-out? You decide.
I'm resigned already yea. Now I just wanna re-make good friends and remain friends. That's really all I want. Maybe I'm happier with a bunch of good friends rather than trying to seek a futile relationship.
Say it isn't so...