Sep 16, 2007

The good, the bad, and the very bad.

Have been getting up on the wrong side of bed for a few days -.- Like literally. I woke, sat up and hit my head against the wall. Ouch. That's a bad thing, really.

Didn't end up going for paparazzi although I am supposed to be the performing arts manager, I'm so sorry about that. Heard it was good, which is of course, good.

Haven't checked my blogstats in a very long time, so I don't know if people still read this blog anymore.

I am feeling very tired and sleepy despite having quite a bit of sleep last night, but I still have to study anyway. In the midst of reading a very comprehensive reading which covers essentially everything regarding the challenges to modern journalism.

Which is a good thing.

I still have a few days to study for Hao Xiaoming's term exam on Thursday, and since it mostly comes from one book and is quite commonsensical, that's a good thing as well.

Didn't jam this week because some people are tired and some are working. That's not too good, but I can accept it.

Knocked my head against the bus door when I got off the bus today, that's not a good thing.

Starbucks ran out of lollipops. Again. That's not a good thing.

I have two unread issues of TIME waiting for my attention; that's not a good thing.

The fucked up client still hasn't transferred the payment into my account. That's a bad thing.

There is a 203 Quiz comprising MCQ questions which everyone seems so scared of. It's MCQ. And it's 203. Which is a good thing, really.

Completed la portfolio de Espanol due on Monday, which is of course always a good thing.

Other than that, please don't read too much into what I say or what I type.

Cause none of it is good news.

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