Jul 29, 2006

burst of inspiration

I've been wondering why i posted the previous two posts. Too personal? Maybe. Probably just to make myself feel better.

Know why Anakin turned to the dark side? Cause the dark side was powerful. Yea I got a sudden burst of inspritation by drawing on my "dark side". Been having sudden bursts recently just keep forgetting to record them.

But I have this big big inspiration.

In a few years when everything has long gone to become mere memories I shall personally direct a drama series with my own personal life story. I'll be the protagonist, you'll be the evil one. It's gonna be a smashing storyline with love triangles, betrayals and yea, of course, hate, since that's such an easy source of inspiration. Maybe not that much, cause at the end of the day you'll be reflected as the bad evil woman who comes to no good and I'm the one who achieves enlightenment and a fairy tale ending. I'll pack it in with the heavy metal music and powerful rock music. Sentimental scenes with my true one will have emo soundtracks with rock ballads I thought of. And I'm gonna put rock stars in as actors, with cut-scene MTVs like they do it in Bollywood.

Man I can't help thinking I'm a genius.

It's so gonna rawk, and I'll become a cult hero.


That's decided then, my hate shall be my drive for the time being. Until I find someone who's real and true, I shall love everyone equally, try not to discriminate and hate you and only you. I feel so evil but more powerful. Maybe I'm really turning into the dark side lol.

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