Oct 2, 2008

this is the bomb

And the customary avalanche of work to complete after recess week is here. By the end of October I am supposed to have:

  • Completed writing script, shot, and already in post production of a 3-5 minute short film
  • Completed the planning, script breakdown, location scouting, stripboarding, casting lists, DOOD lists, basically the whole shebang of a Hollywood feature film
  • Completed mugging for COM207
  • Completed the entire GV11 project (this is the cakewalk really)
  • Caught up with TCM teachings
Forgetting all other worries I have a lot on my hands now.

And screenwriting isn't easy. Imagining it in your mind is a lot easier than writing it out on paper, but sadly others don't have an electrical imaging system where they can visualise what you are thinking about. Scary, isn't it.

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